Releases Downloads for Windows

Browse versions released as of :
Product Format Arch. Windows Version Version (Build) Size Link
80s Spaces ChangeLog Manual
All Formats Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.4.0 (100001787) 274 MB
Other Versions
All Formats Intel 32bit From 7 and up 1.0.2 (18110916) 170 MB
All Previous Products (Integral Studio Pack III) ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 5.13.7 (051307) 66 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 5.13.7 (051307) 64 MB
Other Versions
AAX Intel 32bit All OS 5.13 (050103) 107 MB
RTAS Intel 32bit All OS 5.13 (050103) 113 MB
VST Intel 32bit All OS 5.13 (050103) 106 MB
AnalogStudioRack ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up (010041) 105 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up (010041) 105 MB
Other Versions
All Formats Intel 64bit From XP SP3 and up 1.0.4 (010040) 107 MB
All Formats Intel 32bit From XP SP3 and up 1.0.4 (010040) 107 MB
British Bundle ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.0.1 (1824) 42 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.0.1 (1824) 42 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.0.1 (1824) 42 MB
BusDriver ChangeLog Manual
All Formats Intel 64bit From 7 and up (010041) 5 MB
Other Versions
All Formats Intel 32bit From XP SP3 and up 1.0.4 (010040) 6 MB
Drumtools ChangeLog Manual
All Formats Intel 64bit From 7 and up (010011) 30 MB
Other Versions
All Formats Intel 32bit From XP SP3 and up 1.0.1 (010010) 31 MB
Garbage ChangeLog Manual
All Formats Intel 64bit From 7 and up (010011) 21 MB
Other Versions
All Formats Intel 32bit From XP SP3 and up 1.0.1 (010010) 22 MB
Magma Manual
All Formats Intel 64bit From XP and up 1.6.6 (016060) 278 MB
All Formats Intel 32bit From XP and up 1.6.6 (016060) 148 MB
Magnetics Bundle ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 3.0.2 (1780) 67 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 7 and up 3.0.2 (1780) 67 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 3.0.2 (1780) 67 MB
Retro EQs Bundle ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.1.0 (1806) 45 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.1.0 (1806) 45 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 2.1.0 (1806) 45 MB