Releases Downloads for Windows

Browse versions released as of :
Product Format Arch. Windows Version Version (Build) Size Link
Sonic Sweet ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 4.6.1 (100001808) 15 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 7 and up 4.6.1 (100001808) 15 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 4.6.1 (100001808) 15 MB
Stomp Board ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 64bit From 7 and up 1.6.1 (100001810) 22 MB
Application Intel 64bit From 7 and up 1.6.1 (100001810) 11 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 7 and up 1.6.1 (100001810) 21 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 7 and up 1.6.1 (100001810) 21 MB