Releases Downloads for MacOSX

Browse versions released as of :
Product Format Arch. MacOSX Version Version (Build) Size Link
Chainer ChangeLog Manual
Application Intel 32-64bit From 10.6.8 to 10.14 1.1.0 (011000) 568 MB
PRO Series ChangeLog Manual
All Formats Intel 32-64bit From 10.6.8 to 10.14 1.0.1 (010010) 63 MB
VIP Bundle ChangeLog Manual
AAX Intel 32-64bit From 10.6.8 to 10.14 3.2.0 (032000) 614 MB
AudioUnit Intel 32-64bit From 10.6.8 to 10.14 3.2.0 (032000) 615 MB
RTAS Intel 32bit From 10.6.8 to 10.8.3 3.2.0 (032000) 630 MB
VST Intel 32-64bit From 10.6.8 to 10.14 3.2.0 (032000) 611 MB

Which MacOSX version should I download?

AAX Native, for Pro Tools 10 or higher
All Formats
Contains all available formats
Standalone Application
AudioUnit, for macOS 10.2 or higher
for Pro Tools 6 to Pro Tools 10
VST2, for all compatible DAWs
Intel 32-64bit
native for all Intel Macs
Intel 32bit
(32bit) native for Intel Macs, up to Mojave (OSX 10.14.x)