Public Betas Downloads for MacOSX

You are browsing the 'Public Betas' directory (No tech support provided). Click here if you want to download the latest official release.
Browse versions released as of :
Product Format Arch. MacOSX Version Version (Build) Size Link
Retro EQs Bundle ChangeLog Manual
AAX Apple Silicon From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 44 MB
AAX Intel 64bit From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 48 MB
AudioUnit Apple Silicon From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 44 MB
AudioUnit Intel 64bit From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 48 MB
VST3 Apple Silicon From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 44 MB
VST3 Intel 64bit From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 48 MB
VST Apple Silicon From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 44 MB
VST Intel 64bit From 10.13 and up 2.2.0 (1930) 48 MB

Which MacOSX version should I download?

AAX Native, for Pro Tools 10 or higher
AudioUnit, for macOS 10.2 or higher
VST2, for all compatible DAWs
VST3, for all compatible DAWs
Apple Silicon
native for Apple Silicon Macs
Intel 64bit
(64bit) native for Intel Macs, or emulated with Rosetta on Apple Silicon Macs